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The Striking Blog Page

The striking theme has two ways to set a page to a blog listing page.

[tab title=»By WordPress Reading Settings» icon=»book» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

By setting a static page as your blog listing page
in the striking blog general settings.

[tab title=»By Shortcode» icon=»bolt» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

By inserting a Blog shortcode into any location in any page.

[image source_type=»attachment_id» source_value=»3245″ caption=»Blog Shortcode Options Panel» alt=»Blog Shortcode Options Panel» align=»center» icon=»zoom» width=»594″ autoHeight=»true» quality=»100″ lightbox=»true» title=»Blog Shortcode Options Panel»]

Note : This means you can have unlimited blog listing pages.

Creating a blog listing page with the blogshortcode

Any page or even post can contain a bloglist showing one or more blogposts. This way a page can, for example show a small list of posts about a certain subject/topic, below the default story of that page. The bloglist can be inserted by a shortcode at any point into the body content of a page, post or even portfolio item. The shortcode is created and generated by the buildin striking shortcode generator and could look like this:
[code] [divider_line]

Bloglist with full featured image above the title

[blog count=»2″ nopaging=»true» imageType=»full»] [divider_line]

Bloglist with full featured image below the title

[blog count=»2″ nopaging=»true» imageType=»below»]
The shortcode generator can be found above the content editor and is shown in two different ways.

[tab title=»Content Editor Visual Mode» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

In visual mode of the editor.

[tab title=»Content Editor Text Mode» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

In text mode of the editor.



Bloglist presentation

The striking bloglist can have different layouts and presentations.

[tab title=»Above» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

A full featured image above the title.

[tab title=»Below» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

A full featured image below the title.

[tab title=»Left» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

A left side located feature image.

[tab title=»Right» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

A right side located feature image.

[tab title=»Column» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

A Bloglist in more then one and up to 6 columns.

[tab title=»Boxed» icon=»check» icon_color=»#3cabce»]

A Bloglist with a border around each of the posts.


A Bloglist with a border around each of the posts with inner background coloring of the blogposts.


Note : Size of the image for each layout (left, right, full, below or above title) and its effect (border, coloring, lightbox popup etc) can be set in the shortcode and/or striking blog settings.